NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 The Bond of Love Class 9 English Beehive

The bond of love is a story of love and bond between human and animal which was written by Kenneth Anderson. In this story, there was a bear named Bruno adopted by the author and his wife, whose name was Bruno. Bruno was a sloth bear that the author saved and gifted to his wife. Over time, the narrator's wife grew to love Bruno and treated him like a child. He became a family member of the author but due to unavoidable circumstances, she was forced to leave him. After separating from Bruno, she realized that they shared a true and unconditional bond of love and reunites and she brought Bruno back in her home. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 9th English Chapter 9 The Bond of Love

The Bond of Love Questions and Answers

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The Bond of Love NCERT Solutions


CBSE Class 9

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Related Readings

Thinking about the Text

I. Given in the box are some headings. Find the relevant paragraphs in the text to match the headings.

An Orphaned Cub;   Bruno’s Food-chart;   An Accidental Case of Poisoning;   Playful Baba;   Pain of Separation;   Joy of Reunion;   A Request to the Zoo;   An Island in the Courtyard


The relevant headings are shown below:

An Orphaned Cub

Paragraph 3

Bruno’s Food-chart

Paragraph 6

An Accidental Case of Poisoning

Paragraph 8

Playful Baba

Paragraph 12

Pain of Separation

Paragraph 14

Joy of Reunion

Paragraph 16

A Request to the Zoo

Paragraph 18

An Island in the Courtyard

Paragraph 21

II. Answer the following questions:

Question 1: "I got him for her by accident."

(i) Who says this?

(ii) Who do 'him' and 'her' refer to?

(iii) What is the incident referred to here?


(i) The Narrator says the above line.

(ii) 'Him' refers to the baby(Bruno) of the sloth bear that was killed and 'her' refers to the narrator's wife.

(iii) The incident referred to the successful attempt of catching the baby bear in the sugarcane field by the narrator along with his companions.

Question 2: "He stood on his head in delight."

(i) Who does 'he' refer to?

(ii) Why was he delighted?


(i)  'He' refers to Bruno, the sloth bear.

(ii) Bruno was delighted to see the narrator's wife because he was separated from the narrator’s wife for three months and he missed her so much. After meeting her he recognized her and howled with happiness.

Question 3: "We all missed him greatly: but in a sense we were relieved."

(i) Who does 'we all' stand for?

(ii) Who did they miss?

(iii) Why did they nevertheless feel relieved?


(i) 'We all' refers to the narrator, his wife and his son.

(ii) They missed Bruno (Baba), the sloth bear.

(iii) They felt relieved because Bruno was getting too big to be kept at home. That was the reason they had sent him to a zoo.  

III. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.

Question 1: On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten/drunk. What happened to him on these occasions?


On the first occasion, the narrator had put poison (barium carbonate) to kill rats and mice that had gotten into his library. Bruno entered the library and he was unaware of the poison and ate some of the poison. He became completely paralysed due to this. The poison and vomiting rapidly weakened him, causing him to unable to stand on his feet. His condition remained quite unstable during this period.

On the second occasion, Bruno drank one gallon of old engine oil that the narrator kept as a weapon against termites. Fortunately, the engine oil did not harm Bruno.

Question 2: Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then, did he have to be sent away?


Yes, Bruno was a very loving and playful pet. He was very attached to all the children living in the narrator's bungalow and narrator's Alsatian dog but he had more attachment with narrator's wife. 

He had to be sent away to the zoo in Mysore because he had grown too big and was difficult to be kept at home.

Question 3: How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?


When the narrator and his wife went to meet Bruno, he stood up in delight. When it came time to leave the zoo, the narrator's wife cried bitterly and felt depressed, so she requested that the curator return their Baba(Bruno). This request was granted by the Superintendent in Bangalore, and a special island was built in the compound area for Baba keeping all his toys and needs in mind.

Thinking about language

I. Question 1: Find these words in the lesson. They all have ie or ei in them.

f__ ld

ingred__ nts

h__ ght

misch__ vous

fr__ nds


rel__ ved

p__ ce










Question 2: Now here are some more words. Complete them with ei or ie. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

bel__ ve

rec__ ve

w__ rd

l__ sure

s__ ze

w__ ght

r__ gn

f__ gn

gr__ f

p__ rce

(There is a popular rule of spelling: 'i' before 'e' except after 'c'. Check if this rule is true by looking at the words above.)












II. Here are some words with silent letters. Learn their spelling. Your teacher will dictate these words to you. Write them down and underline the silent letters.


































III. How to look at an Index:

An index is a list of names or topics that are to be found in a book. It is a list arranged in alphabetical order at the end of a book.

The following paragraph shows that the doctor is consulting the index of a medical book to find out which injection is appropriate for Bruno.

"Out came his medical books, and a feverish reference to index began: What poison did you say, sir?" "Barium carbonate". "Ah yes-B-Ba— Barium Salts Ah! Barium carbonate! Symptoms-paralysis— treatment-injections of ... Just a minute, sir. I'll bring my syringe and the medicine."

1. You have read about the French Revolution and you want to know more about the Third Estate in the context of the French Revolution. You can refer to the index of the book Living World History by T. Walter Wallbank and Arnold Schrier:

Page no. 813

French Algerian War, 696

French and Indian war, 370, 401

French Revolution, 393, 404, 405, 408, 427, 489

Freud(froid), Sigmund(1856 – 1939), 479, illus, 477

Frobisher(Frobisher), Martin(1535? – 1594), 321, 338

Page no. 826

Third Coalition, 415

Third Communist International, See Comintern

Third Estate(France), 404, 405

Third Reform Bill, 454

Third Reich(riH), 641, 643, 652, 653

On which pages in this book will you find information about the French Revolution and the Third Estate?


French Revolution: Pages – 393, 404 – 405, 408, 427, 489

Third Estate(France): Pages – 404, 405

2. To know what 'Food Security' and 'Minimum Support Price' mean in the context of the economic growth of a country you can go to the subject index given below from Poverty and Famines - An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation by Amartya Sen. Under which heading in the index are you likely to find these topics?

Famine relief, 43, 57, 87 – 8, 96 – 8, 116 – 17, 131 – 2

Fisherman, 51, 67 – 9, 71, 72 – 3, 78, 119

Finland, 213

Floods, 52 – 3, 58, 131 – 2, 147 – 8

Food availability decline(FAD thesis), 6 – 7, 7 – 8, 41 – 2, 43 – 4, 53, 57 – 63, 80 – 1, 82 – 3, 88 – 93, 111, 117 – 20, 125, 137, 141, 153, 154 – 6, 157 – 8, 162

Food countermovement, 94, 138, 160 – 2

Food habits, 12 – 3,25 – 6, 45, 50, 164


We can find the concepts of 'food security' and 'minimum support price' under the Food availability decline(FAD).

3. Given below is a portion of an index page from the book, French's Index of Differential Diagnosis, edited by F. Dudley Hart M.D., F.R.C.P.

--pulmonary fibrosis..





Bronchitis, acute, causing cough..


-associated with costochondral swellings..


--mediastinal emphysema..

--capillary, causing head retraction..

-casts in sputum

-causing epistaxis

-in children, pertussis distinguished from..

-chronic, associated with yellow nail syndrome..

--bacterial infection complicating..

--causing cough..



---nutmeg liver..

--cigarette smoking causing..

--heart failure due to..

Bronchitis, chronic, contd.

--simulating indigestion..

--sputum of, during smog..

---production in..

-complicating incomplete sternal fusion..

-coughing in, causing surgical emphysema...                                                                   



636, 643

669, 671







325, 328






179, 182, 223

222, 223, 229








727, 729



Study the entries and find out whether the following topics are discussed in the book.

(i) bronchitis due to cigarette smoking

(ii) heart failure due to bronchitis

(iii) bronchitis in children


The given three topics - bronchitis due to cigarette smoking, heart failure due to bronchitis and bronchitis in children can be easily found in the given book as per the entries mentioned in the same words.

IV. 1 Notice the incomplete sentences in the following paragraphs. Here the writer is using incomplete sentences in the narration to make the incident more dramatic or immediate. Can you rewrite the paragraph in complete sentences?

(You can begin: The vet and I made a dash back to the car. Bruno was still floundering ...)

(i) A dash back to the car. Bruno still floundering about on his stumps, but clearly weakening rapidly; some vomiting, heavy breathing, with heaving flanks and gaping mouth.
Hold him, everybody! In goes the hypodermic-Bruno squeals 10 c.c. of the antidote enters his system without a drop being wasted. Ten minutes later: condition unchanged! Another 10 c.c. injected! Ten minutes later: breathing less stertorous Bruno can move his arms and legs a little although he cannot stand yet. Thirty minutes later: Bruno gets up and has a great feed! He looks at us disdainfully, as much as to say, 'What's barium carbonate to a big black bear like me?' Bruno is still eating.

(ii) In the paragraphs above from the story the verbs are in the present tense (eg. hold, goes, etc.). This gives the reader an impression of immediacy. The present tense is often used when we give a commentary on a game (cricket, football, etc.), or tell a story as if it is happening now. It is, therefore, called the narrative present.

You will read more about the present tense in Unit 10.


The vet and I made a dash back to the car. Bruno was still floundering about on his stumps, clearly weakening rapidly. He experienced some vomiting and heavy breathing, with heaving flanks and gaping mouth. Everybody was asked to hold him as the Hypodermic medicine went inside. Bruno squealed as 10 c.c. of the antidote entered his system without a drop being wasted. Ten minutes later his condition remained unchanged due to which another 10 c.c. of the antidote was injected. After ten minutes, his breathing became less stertorous as he moved his arms and legs a little, although he could not stand yet. Thirty minutes later, Bruno got up and had a great feed. He looked at us disdainfully as much as to say, 'What's barium carbonate to a big black bear like me?' Bruno was still eating.

2. Adverbs

Find the adverbs in the passage below. (You've read about adverbs in Unit 1.)

We thought that everything was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came out panting in the hot sun. Now I will not shoot a sloth-bear wantonly but, unfortunately for the poor beast, one of my companions did not feel that way about it, and promptly shot the bear on the spot.

(i) Complete the following sentences, using a suitable adverb ending in -ly.

(a) Rana does her homework _______.

(b) It rains ______ in Mumbai in June.

(c) He does his work ________.

(d) The dog serves his master _______.

(ii) Choose the most suitable adverbs or adverbial phrases and complete the following sentences.

(a) We should _______ get down from a moving train. (never, sometimes, often)

(b) I was _______ in need of support after my poor performance. (badly, occasionally, sometimes)

(c) Rita met with an accident. The doctor examined her ________ .(suddenly, seriously, immediately)


We thought that everything was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came out panting in the hot sun. Now I will not shoot a sloth-bear wantonly but, unfortunately for the poor beast, one of my companions did not feel that way about it, and promptly shot the bear on the spot.

(i) (a) Rana does her homework sincerely.

(b) It rains heavily in Mumbai in June.

(c) He does his work obediently.

(d) The dog serves his master faithfully.

(ii) (a) We should never get down from a moving train.

(b) I was badly in need of support after my poor performance.

(c) Rita met with an accident. The doctor examined her immediately.

3. Take down the following scrambled version of a story, that your teacher will dictate to you, with appropriate punctuation marks. Then, read the scrambled story carefully and try to rewrite it rearranging the incidents.

A grasshopper, who was very hungry, saw her and said, "When did you get the corn? I am dying of hunger." She wanted to dry them. It was a cold winter's day, and an ant was bringing out some grains of corn from her home. She had gathered the corn in summer.

"I was singing all day," answered the grasshopper."If you sang all summer," said the ant, "you can dance all winter.""What were you doing?" asked the ant again. The grasshopper replied, "I was too busy.""I collected it in summer," said the ant. "What were you doing in summer? Why did you not store some corn?"


It was a cold winter's day and an ant was bringing out some grains of corn from her home in order to dry them which she had gathered in summer. A grasshopper, who was very hungry, saw her and said, "When did you get the corn? I am dying of hunger." "I collected it in summer," said the ant. "What were you doing in summer? Why did you not store some corn?" asked the ant. The grasshopper replied, "I was too busy." "What were you doing?" asked the ant again. "I was singing all day,” answered the grasshopper. "If you sang all summer," said the ant, "you can dance all winter.

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