NCERT Solutions for Chapter 14 When the Earth Shook Class 5 EVS
Short Notes for Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 When the Earth Shook
In this chapter, you will learn about the different types of natural calamities. In the chapter, hospitals, community groups, relief organizations, etc., explain how they helped calamity-hit areas. It discusses the Bhuj earthquake of 2001 and the damages that occur during an earthquake, as well as ways to get help in the event of an earthquake. In times of natural disasters, knowing where to look for help will help students save lives. Natural disasters are disasters caused by nature. An earthquake is a natural calamity caused by the shaking of the earth. Natural calamities include droughts, famines, floods, etc. During the early morning hours of 26 January 2001, the Gujarati people experienced a high-intensity earthquake. Droughts can occur as a result of a lack of rain. Famine can result from a lack of food or water. Floods are caused by excessive rainfall. The Kutch region of Gujarat, known as Bhuj, was struck by an earthquake on 26 January 2001. Many lives were affected by the destruction of several buildings. Food, medicines, and clothing were donated by the government, many organizations, and people from other cities.

Chapter Name | When the Earth Shook NCERT Solutions |
Class | CBSE Class 5 |
Textbook Name | EVS |
Related Readings |
Page No 132:
Question Discuss and Write:
Question 1: Have you or anyone that you know ever faced such difficulty?
Disclaimer: This question has to be answered by a student based upon his own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
Question 2: Who all helped at such a time? Make a list.
People who help others in time of difficulty are:
(i) Local people
(ii) Cities' people
(iii) Government agencies
(iv) Police
(v) Army jawans and air force
(vi) Doctors
(vii) Fireman
(viii) Engineers
(ix) Non-Governmental organization
(x) College people
(xi) Teachers to teach what to do during these difficulties
(xii) Foreign people
Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer of the students can vary from this. Also, the answers of two students can vary from each other.
Page No 134:
Question Discuss:
Question 1: A lot of people from other places came to Jasma's village. Who were these people? In what ways would they have helped the villagers?
These are the people of the cities. They have helped the villagers by:
(i) After an earthquake in Jasma's village, people from cities came there to give food, medicines and clothes to the people
(ii) putting up the tents
(iii) suggesting about building their houses again
(iv) showing designs of earthquake-resistant houses
Question 2: People in Jasma's village rebuilt their houses with suggestions from the engineers. Will these houses be safer than before in case there is an earthquake again? Why?
During an earthquake, engineers suggested building houses with specific designs so that there would be the least amount of damage. In the event of another earthquake, these houses will be safer.
Question 3: Think, if there were an earthquake where you live, would your house be in danger? What kind of damage could take place?
In the event of an earthquake in my area, my house would definitely be at risk. There is a possibility of the roof collapsing, which is the worst case scenario. As well as damaging household items, it can also injure us.
Question Write:
Compare your house with that of Jasma. List in your notebook what materials were used in making both the houses.
Jasma’s House | Your House |
_______ | _______ |
Jasma’S House |
Your House |
Mud, clay and straws |
Bricks, cement, wood and glass |
Question 1: Have you been told in your school or anywhere else about what to do in case of an earthquake?
Disclaimer: This question has to be answered by a student based upon his own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
Question 2: Why do you think one should go under a table during an earthquake?
Studies have shown that during an earthquake, people are more likely to get injured by falling or flying objects. If one takes shelter under a table, he is likely to be protected from falling and flying objects to a greater extent. Hence, it is advisable to go under a table during an earthquake.
Page No 135:
Question Write:
Question 1: According to the TV report, thousands of people were injured and some died in Gujarat. If the buildings had been made in a way that they would not fall in the earthquake, would the damage have been different? How?
Yes, the damage would not have been so much if the buildings were made in such a way that does not get collapsed easily. Also if lighter materials such as mud, clay and straw would have been used then the number and types of casualties would have been very less.
Question 2: At times like this, when people have lost their homes and all their belongings, what kind of help would they need?
People would need the help for food, clothes, shelters and medicines to get well.
Question 3: In such situations whose help would be needed and for what? Write in your notebook as shown here.
People |
Help |
Doctor |
To treat injured people |
Local people |
For food and clothes |
Army jawans |
To move out people who were trapped |
Scientists |
To find out areas which are earthquake-prone |
Page No 136:
Question Discuss:
Question 1: Have you ever seen people in your area helping each other? When?
Accidents have caused people to help one another.
Question 2:Why do people live together in a neighbourhood?
A neighbourhood is a place for people to share their happiness and help each other when times are tough.
Question 3: Imagine living in a place where there were no other
houses or people around. How would it be? For example, whom would you play
with? With whom would you celebrate festivals and special days? Would you be
In such a situation, festivals and special days would be dull without anyone to share them with. There is no doubt that it would be terrifying.
Question 4: People face a lot of difficulties when they lose people from their family, or their houses and belongings. In newspapers of the last one month, look for news related to such disasters earthquakes, floods, fire, cyclones, etc., in different parts of the world. Collect these news reports and paste them in your notebook.
Disclaimer: This section consists of questions which
have to be answered by a student based upon his own experience. Considering
this, the answers to the same have not been provided.
Page No 137:
Question Your News Report:
. Make your own report which mentions the following:
- Cause of the disaster, date and time
-What kind of damage did it cause- to lives, belongings, livelihoods? -Which people came forward to help? Which government offices or other groups?
If there is no rain, crops can fail and there can be a drought. But food for people can be brought from other places so that there is no famine, which means people don't have to stay hungry, and they don't die of hunger.
. Have people in your area ever got affected by famine or drought? Find such reports of different countries from newspapers. Make your own report.
. You may need some help from these in case of an accident or emergency. Find out and write their addresses and phone numbers. Add more names to this list.
Address |
Phone Number |
Fire Station |
Nearby Hospital |
____________ |
Ambulance |
Police Station |
Disclaimer: This section aims to increase the students' observation and investigation skills. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.
Question Difficult Times: Write a report with the help of the following words:
floods, river water, injured people, food packets, rescue work, camps, dead bodies, dead animals floating in water, houses under water, aerial survey (to see the scene of disaster from a plane), sad people, diseases spread by dirty water, homeless people, trapped people.
Disclaimer: This section aims to enhance the students' observation, investigation and writing skills. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.
Page No 138:
Question What we have learnt:
What type of difficulties are faced by people during floods? Look at the picture, what kind of a school have the children come to after the flood? Write down what people had to do to make their life normal again after the flood.
During floods, people face the following difficulties
. Their houses get damaged
. The area in which they live gets flooded and they are asked to move to a different area
. They do not get proper food and are cut off from the neighboring areas .
. There is a high risk of diseases spreading
After the floods, the children are attending their school in the open area because their school building got damaged in the floods.
Disclaimer: The last part of the question aims to enhance the students' observation, investigation and writing skills. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.