NCERT Solutions for Chapter 3 Taro's Reward Class 6 English Honeysuckle
Taro was a young woodcutter living with his parents on a lonely hillside. The forest was his playground all day long as he chopped wood. He was working hard but that was not enough to fulfill his parents' necessity because he earned a little money. Being a thoughtful son, he wanted to make sure his parents had everything they needed. This made him sad. As a reward for his kindness and good behavior toward his parents, the Emperor of Japan rewarded Taro. Upon receiving Taro's reward, he gave him twenty gold pieces. Afterwards, Taro's fountain was named after him.

Taro's Reward Questions and Answers
Chapter Name | Taro's Reward NCERT Solutions |
Class | CBSE Class 6 |
Textbook Name | Honeysuckle |
Related Readings |
Question 1 A: Why did Taro run in the direction of the stream? (5)
Taro was working harder than usual on that morning and was very thirsty. Besides, there were no waterfall in that part of the forest so the sound of running water surprised Taro and that is why he ran in the direction of the stream.
Question 1 B: How did Taro's father show his happiness after drinking sake? (7)
Taro's father was very happy to be able to drink sake as it is a mouth-watering drink. One swig of the drink made his frail body warm and he was very happy. So, he took a little twirl to show his happiness after drinking sake.
Question 1 C: Why did the water fall give Taro sake and others water? (12)
Taro was a hardworking and kind person apart from being thoughtful; other villagers were selfish and greedy. That is why the waterfall gave Taro sake and others water.
Question 1 D: Why did the villagers want to drown Taro? (10, 11)
The villagers assumed Taro had tricked them when they could get only water from the waterfall instead of sake as they had expected. At this, they were furious. That is why the villagers wanted to drown Taro.
Question 1 E: Why did the Emperor reward Taro? (13)
Taro was a dutiful son towards his parents and also a very kind person. The Emperor rewarded Taro to endorse these values.
Question 2 A: Taro earned very little money because
A. he didn't work hard enough.
B. the villagers didn't need wood.
C. the price of wood was very low.
Taro was a hardworking person who loved his parents. But as the price of wood was low, he never earned much. This led to his poverty.
Question 2 B: Taro decided to earn extra money
A. to live a more comfortable life.
B. to buy his old father some sake.
C. to repair the cracks in the hut.
Taro's father was an old and very feeble man. He suffered heavily during the winter season. A drink of 'sake' is very warming in the cold. So the old man wondered of the expensive drink since they were poor and couldn't buy even a little. Taro was hardworking and kind; so he wanted to buy his father a drink of 'sake'.
Question 2 C: The neighbor left Taro's hut in a hurry because
A. she was delighted with the drink.
B. she was astonished to hear Taro's story.
C. she wanted to tell the whole village about the waterfall.
The said waterfall suddenly started to give 'sake' instead of water to Taro. Since 'sake' was a very tasty and expensive drink, the villager wanted to spread the news.
Question 1: Strike off the words in the box below that are not suitable. Taro wanted to give his old parents everything they needed.
This shows that he was _______.
thoughtful hardworking loving honest considered trustworthy efficient kind |
This shows that he was thoughtful, kind, considerate and loving.
Question 2 A: "This made Taro sadder than ever."
'This' refers to
A. a strong wind that began to blow.
B. Taro's father's old age.
C. Taro's inability to buy expensive sake for his father.
(Mark the right item.)
Taro loved his parents very much and wanted to provide them with a comfortable living in their old age. However, as he was very poor, he was unable to buy the pricey drink of sake for his father as per the old man's wish. This made taro very unhappy.
Question 2 B: "This, said the emperor, was to encourage all children to honour and obey their parents."
'This' refers to
A. the most beautiful fountain in the city.
B. rewarding Taro with gold and giving the fountain his name.
C. sending for Taro to hear his story.
Taro was a dutiful son and took as good care of his parents as he could. The Emperor wanted to uphold these values and instill them in the children. That is why he rewarded Taro with gold and gave the fountain his name.
Question 3: Arrange the words below in pairs that rhyme.
Example: young - lung
money sunny
young sad money chop lung last wax could bad sound axe wood way stop sunny fast round day |
The rhyming words are:
sad - bad
chop - stop
last - fast
wax - axe
could - wood
sound - round
way - day
sunny - money
young - lung
Question 4 A: Fill in the blanks with words from the box.
lonely little hard young thoughtful delicious beautiful |
A ______ woodcutter lived on a _____ hillside. He was a _____son who worked _____ but earned ______ money. One day he saw a ______ water fall hidden behind a rock. He tasted the water and found it ______.
(i) young
(ii) lonely
(iii) thoughtful
(iv) hard
(v) little
(vi) beautiful
(vii) delicious
Question 4 B: Find these sentences in the story and fill in the blanks.
1. This made Taro______ than ever. (3)
2. He decided to work ______ than before. (3)
3. Next morning. Taro jumped out of bed _____ Than usual. (4)
4. He began to chop even ______ (4)
5. Next morning, Taro started for work even _______ than the morning before. (10)
(1) sadder
(2) harder
(3) earlier
(4) faster
(5) earlier
Question 1: Speak the following sentences clearly but as quickly as you can. Learn them by heart.
(i) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood.
(ii) Betty bought a bit of butter, but the bit of butter was a little bitter so she bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better.
Students do yourself.
Question 2 A: The story 'Taro's Reward' shows that Taro is thoughtful, hardworking and also wise. Read aloud the parts of story that shows these qualities in Taro.
The parts of the story that show that Taro is thoughtful, hardworking, and also wise are-
- Though he worked very hard, he earned very little money. This made him sad, for he was a thoughtful son and wanted to give his old parents everything they needed.
- 'How do I get a little sake for my poor old father?' He decided to work harder than before.
- He began to chop even faster, thinking of the extra money he must earn to buy the sake to warm the old man's bones.
- Taro quickly filled the pitcher he had with him and hurried home.
- Next morning, Taro started for work even earlier than the morning before.
- Taro had been wise enough to slip behind a rock when he saw how things were going. He was nowhere to be found.
Question 2 B: (i) Like Patrick in the story 'Who Did Patrick's Homework'. Taro is helped by magic. Do you believe in magic? What are the magical things that happen in these stories?
(ii) Which story do you like better, and why? Do you know such stories in other languages? Discuss these questions in class.
(i) No, I do not believe in magic.
In the story 'Taro's Reward', the unknown stream in the forest starts giving Taro sake instead of water. Sake is a delicious and very expensive drink that Taro's father wished he could have. Taro was so thoughtful, considerate, and kind that he wanted to work harder than usual. That is why the magical stream reward Taro by giving him the sake that he wanted to earn. On the other hand, in 'Who Did Patrick's Homework', the elf that appeared, taught Patrick to be a organised, disciplined, and responsible person in the pretext of helping him with his homework.
(ii) I like 'Who Did Patrick's Homework' better than 'Taro's Reward' because in the previous story, the boy Patrick was initially a lazy person and did not want to do his homework himself. The elf then taught him the value of work and discipline in life. This important and positive change in his personality makes this story more interesting than the latter one.
Yes, I know such a story in another language, namely in Bengali.
Question 2 C: Now write a paragraph or two about these two stories, comparing them.
I know the story 'The Honest Woodcutter' in Bengali.
There was a very poor woodcutter, who had only one axe made of iron. One day, while he was cutting wood right on the bank of a river, his axe fell in the water. He was crestfallen as that axe was the tool for his livelihood and started crying bitterly. Suddenly, a Goddess came out of the water and asked him the reason behind his sorrow. After hearing his answer, the Goddess showed him a golden and a silver axe respectively. When he denied the ownership of those two axes, the Goddess finally gave him his axe. She also gave him the other two axes as a reward for his honesty in the face of dire poverty.
In 'Taro's Reward' too, the honest and hard work of Taro earns him the happiness that he deserves. Despite his financial conditions, he looked after his parents the best he could and always wanted to do more. This speaks of his character that has both compassion and a caring nature.
Question 3 A: Listen to these children. What are they talking about?
These children are talking about the level of difficulty of swimming, driving and learning English.
Question 3 B:
Work in groups. Come to some agreement on each of the activities given below. Decide which is the most interesting, dullest, most dangerous, safest, most rewarding, most exciting.
cooking |
fishing |
playing football |
knitting |
dancing |
listening to music |
reading |
sewing |
mountain climbing |
walking |
swimming |
learning languages |
painting |
watching T.V. |
stamp collecting |
The most interesting- stamp collecting, painting, learning languages
Dullest-knitting, sewing, cooking
Most dangerous- mountain climbing,
Safest-watching TV
Most rewarding- listening to music, reading, walking, fishing
Most exciting- swimming, playing football, dancing
Question 1: Your teacher will speak the words given below. Write against each two new words that rhyme with it.
1. bed ____, ______
2. wax _____, _____
3. fast _____, _____
4. chop _____, ______
5. young _____, ______
1. bed red shade
2. wax tax lax
3. fast blast dust
4. chop shop flop
5. young stung clung