NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 New Empires and Kingdoms Class 6 History
Prashastis are the kind of inscription which means 'in praise of'. They were used for illustrating how rulers were. A prominent Prashasti carved on the Ashokan pillar in Allahabad conveys relevant details about the Gupta Empire's king Samudragupta and his dynasty. Harshacharita' is the biography of the Indian Empire Harsha. Emperor Harsha was an empire in the Vardhana Dynasty and was of Hindu and Buddhist origin. This book is a detailed account of his life. Harshavardhana became the ruler of Thanesar after both his father and elder brother died. The Chalukyas and the Pallavas were major kingdoms that ruled much of South India. Pulakeshin was the most famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty of Vatapi. There were many changes in the kings' army. The changes that we find in the armies of this time are the presence of military leaders who provided the king with troops whenever he needed them. These leaders were not paid salaries but were given grants of land from which they collected revenue.

New Empires and Kingdoms Questions and Answers
Chapter Name | New Empires and Kingdoms NCERT Solutions |
Class | CBSE Class 6 |
Textbook Name | History |
Related Readings |
Question 1 State whether true or false:
(a) Harishena composed a prashasti in praise of Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni.
(b) The rulers of Aryavarta brought tribute for Samudragupta.
(c) There were twelve rulers in Dakshinapatha.
(d) Taxila and Madurai were important centresunder the control of the Gupta rulers.
(e) Aihole was the capital of the Pallavas.
(f) Local assemblies functioned for several centuriesin south India.
(a) Harishena composed a prashasti in praise of Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni. False
Harishena composed prashasti in praise of Samudragupta.
(b) The rulers of Aryavarta brought Tribute for Samudragupta. False
Aryavarta were the rulers in the North and were defeated by Samudragupta. The rulers of Gana Sangha, who ruled Assam brought tributes for Samudragupta.
(c) There were Twelve rulers in Dakshinapatha. True
Yes, there were twelve rulers in Dakshinapatha. They surrendered to Samudragupta and were allowed to rule again.
(d) Taxila and Madurai were important centres under the control of Gupta rulers. False
Prayaga (Allahabad), Patliputra (Patna) and Ujjain were the centre of powers of Guptas.
(e) Aihole was the capital of Pallavas. False
Aihole was the capital of Chalukyas. It was located in southern India.
(f) Local assemblies functioned for several centuries in south India. True
Local assembles consisted of Brahmin land owners who made decisions regarding irrigation, building roads and local temples.
Question 2 Mention three authors who wrote about Harshavardhana.
The following three writers wrote about Harshavarddhana:
1. BanabhattaHe wrote Harshacharita, the biography of Harshavardhana.
2. Zuan XangHe was a pilgrim from China, who wrote about the court of the king.
3. HarshavardhanaHe himself was one of the best writers of his time.
Question 3 What changes do you find in the army at this time?
The following changes can be observed in the army:
1. The kings started maintaining a well-equipped army.2. Additional manpower was supplied by the military leaders whenever kings needed them.
3. The armies were very large as they had to go on frequent raids.
Question 4 What were the new administrative arrangements during this period?
The followings are the new administrative arrangements:
1. Nagar-shreshthi or chief banker was appointed. He was the representative of the merchants.2. Officials started holding many offices. Apart from being the chief judicial officer, Harishena also acted as the minister of war and peace.
3. The higher posts became hereditary. The son of the official would take over the office after his father.
Question 5 What do you think Arvind would have to do if he was acting as Samudragupta?
Arvind would have to do following things:
1. Plan and execute successful raids on all other kings of India.2. Establish and ensure a well maintained governing system.
3. Look after the welfare of people of his kingdom.
4. Keep a check on the revenues and expenditures.
Question 6 Do you think ordinary people would have read and understood the prashastis? Give reasons for your answer
Ordinary people might not have understood the prashastis because they were written in Sanskrit language. At that time Sanskrit was practiced by Brahmins, kings and his court men. All other men and women used prakrit language.
Question 7 If you had to make a genealogy for yourself, who are the people you would include in it? How many generations would you like to show? Make a chart and fill it.
I would prefer to mention my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, and myself. It would be three generations.
Question 8 How do you think wars affect the lives of ordinary people today?
Wars affect the people in following ways:
1. People are forced to leave their homes due to destruction.2. Many people die in the wars.
3. The economic position of people becomes unstable.
4. The supply of daily need items is disrupted in war zones.
5. It increases poverty.