NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 A Snake Charmer Story Class 5 EVS
Short Notes for Class 5 EVS Chapter 2 A Snake Charmer Story
Taking on the story of a snake charmer and how snakes have merged with humans to become a part of our ecosystem, A Snake Charmer's Story explores the place where snakes and humans coexist. It continues to describe the physical anatomy of snakes, such as their eyes and ears. The zoo also provides information about other animals. The snake charmers hypnotize and coax their snakes to dance to the music they play on their flutes. It is a traditional Indian folk art to charm snakes. Most Indians perform this art in Singapore, although some Malays and Chinese have also learned it.

A Snake Charmer Story Questions and Answers
Chapter Name | A Snake Charmer Story NCERT Solutions |
Class | CBSE Class 5 |
Textbook Name | EVS |
Related Readings |
Page No 17:
Question Think and Tell:
Question 1: Have you ever seen anyone playing a been? Where?
My experience with snake charmers was positive. During festivals, they can be seen in rural areas playing.
Question 2: Have you ever seen a snake? Where?
Yes, I have seen a snake. There have been snakes in paddy fields, farms, etc.
Question 3: Were you scared by it? Why?
My fear of it was very strong since it is poisonous and bites.
Question 4: Do you think all snakes are poisonous?
A snake does not have to be poisonous to be dangerous.
Question 5: In chapter 1 you read that snakes do not have ears which you can see. Can the snake hear the been or does it dance when the been moves? What do you think?
Snakes are not able to hear the sound, but they dance to its movements.
Disclaimer: This section consists of questions that have to be answered based upon one's own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
Page No 19:
Question Write:
Question 1: Have you ever seen animals being used for entertainment of people?
(For example, in a circus, on the road, or in a park)
-When and where did you see this?
-Which animal show did you see?
People are entertained by many animals. On roadsides, in parks, and at circuses.
On a roadside, I saw a snake dancing to the snake-charmer.
Question 2: How did people behave with the animals in the show?
People behaved warmly with animals at the show.
Question 3: What kind of questions came to your mind after seeing that animal show?
When I saw the animal show, a few questions came to mind:
- How well trained is the animal?
- Are they handled carefully?
- What method did they use to capture the animals?
- Does entertaining people require stressing animals?
Question 4: Imagine that you are an animal in a cage. Think how you would feel. Complete the following sentences:
. I am afraid when
. I wish I
. I am sad when
. If I had a chance I would
. I do not like it at all when
I am afraid when my trainer comes and beat me with metal sticks to get me trained.
I wish I could get a chance of freedom from this cage.
I am sad when I am made to live in cage away from my all friends living freely in the jungle.
If I had a chance, I would be a human being who would be free.
I do not like it at all when I dance and perform tricks for my trainer.
Disclaimer: These are sample answer. The answers of the students can vary from this. Also, the answers of two students can vary from one another.
Page No 20:
Question Write: Like snake-charmers, which other people depend on animals for their livelihood?
Like snake-charmers, there are several other people who depend on animals for their livelihood. They are:
Fishermen who depend on the fishes for their livelihood.
Shepherds who depend on sheep for wool.
Madaris who depend on monkeys for earning money.
Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer of the students can vary from this. Also, the answer of two students can vary from one another.
Question Survey People Why:
Talk to some people in your neighbourhood who keep one or more animals for their livelihood-for example, a horse for a tonga, hens for eggs, etc.
. Name the animal they keep.
. How many animals are there?
. Is there a separate place for the animals?
.Who looks after them?
. What do the animals eat?
. Do the animals ever fall ill? What does the keeper do then?
. Make some more questions and discuss.
.Make a report on your project and read it out in the class.
Disclaimer: This section consists of questions that have to be answered based upon one's own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
Page No 21:
Question What We Have Learnt:
The government has made a law that no one can catch and keep snakes. What do you think about this law? Give reasons for your answer and write in your own words.
Disclaimer: This question calls for the process of one's own observance. Keeping this in mind, it is strongly recommended that the students prepare the solutions on their own.