NCERT Solutions for Chapter 19 A Seed Tells a Farmer Story Class 5 EVS
Short Notes for Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 A Seed Tells a Farmer Story
In this chapter of A seed tells a farmer's story, we learn how our farmers provide us with vegetables, fruits, and crops. We will learn how food is brought to our tables. To put it another way, this chapter will show you how farmers get high-quality produce. As well, it will explain how food is processed on a daily basis. Additionally, you will learn how much farmers benefit from the work and energy they put into farming. This will help students respect farmers and learn the value of food. In India, crops play a critical role in our everyday lives. Agriculture is the most common occupation. In addition, we discuss the processes and methods we use to grow better crops.

Chapter Name | A Seed Tells a Farmer Story NCERT Solutions |
Class | CBSE Class 5 |
Textbook Name | EVS |
Related Readings |
Page No 175:
Question Tell:
Question 1: Are rotis made in your home? From which grains are they made?
Rotis are made at home. Wheat, rice, and ragi are sometimes used to make them.
Question 2: Have you eaten roti made from bajra or jowar? Did you like these?
I ate bajra and jowar roti. I enjoyed them a lot.
Question Find Out and Write:
Question 1: In your house what is done to protect grains and pulses from insects?
Some pulses and grains are sun-dried, and we store them in airtight containers.
Question 2: Which are the different festivals related to farming, celebrated in different seasons? Find out more about anyone such festival and write in your notebook-
The name of the festival, in which season is it celebrated, in which states of India, what special foods are made, is it celebrated only at home with the family, or together with many people.
Agriculture is the subject of many festivals. There are many Hindu festivals, including Pongal, Lohri, Baisakhi, Makara Sankranthi, Holi, and more. During the winter season, Karnataka celebrates Makara Sankranthi. During this festival, Yellu Bella is the main dish. The Tamil Nadu festival of Pongal is celebrated on Makara Sankranthi. In the winter, Punjabi people celebrate Lohri.
Question 3: Talk to the elders in your family and find out if there were some special foods cooked earlier that are not cooked anymore?
An earlier meal consisted of oats, wheat, rye flour, or rice boiled in water or milk before being served as gruel.
Question 4: Find out about the crops - cereals, vegetables, pulses that are grown in your area. Of those, is there anything that is famous across the country?
Wheat, coffee, peppers, bananas, and rice are among the crops we grow in our area. Among them, rice is famous all over the country.
Page No 177:
Question Discuss:
Question 1:The bajra seed saw differences in the way Damjibhai and Hasmukh did farming (for example, in irrigation, ploughing, etc.) What were these differences?
The following table lists the differences in the ways of farming of Damjibhai and Hasmukh.
Aspects | Damjibhai | Hasmukh |
Irrigation | Rain water or river water | Electric motor |
Ploughing | Bullocks | Tractor |
Question 2: Hasmukh said, "With profits from our fields, we can progress." What is your understanding of "progress"?
In my understanding progress means the development of a person with the society, country or world he lives in.
Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer of the students can vary from this. Also, the answer of two students can vary from one another. However, the emphasis should be on progress as an overall growth of an individual with his surroundings.
Page No 178:
Question Discuss and Think:
Question 1: What can happen to Hasmukh's farm after some years?
After some years, Hasmukh's farm could become infertile due to excessive usage of chemicals.
Question 2: Damjibhai's son Hasmukh chose to become a farmer like his father. Hasmukh's son Paresh is not a farmer, but a truck driver. Why would he have done so?
Paresh was educated and he did not want to do farming. That is why he chose to be a driver.
Question 3: The seeds were not sure that what Hasmukh was talking about was really progress. What do you feel?
In my opinion, the new method of agriculture tends to overexploit soil and other resources, which can result in the soil becoming barren. Many people lose their jobs because machines can do the work of many people. A large amount of irrigation depletes the groundwater, leaving not much water for future use. This may seem like progress, but it isn't.
Question 4: Have there been any changes near your area, which may be difficult to call 'progress'? What changes are these? What are the different opinions about them?
In the real sense, there are many changes that cannot be called progress. In order to illustrate the problem, let's look at how many vehicles are on the road today. Having more vehicles made travelling easier, but it also contributed to air and noise pollution. Additionally, machines have been invented that can perform the work of thousands, leaving thousands jobless.
Page No 179:
Question Project:
Question 1: What questions come to your mind about farmers and farming? Write some questions in your group and ask a farmer. For example, how many crops do they grow in a year? Which crop needs how much water?
Question 2: Visit a farm near your area. Observe and talk to the people there. Write a report.
Disclaimer: This section aims to improve the questioning and investigative skills of the students. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.
Page No 180:
Question Journey of a bajra s:
Question 1: What technology could be used to cut the stem in picture 1? what do you think is being done in the grinder (chakki) in picture 4? What ways (technologies) would have been used to do the work shown in picture 5 and 6? you can see the dough is ready in picture 6? when do you think a sieve (chalni) would have been used? Discuss each step in detail, in any language you wish to use.
The stem in picture 1 can be cut using a harvester. The harvester is a huge machine used to harvest the crops grown on large fields where cutting by hand is not possible. The chakki is used for grinding the bajra and making flour. We can use a atta kneader or dough maker for doing the work shown in picture 5 and 6. The chalni is used to sieve the flour after it is ground in the chakki. Disclaimer: The answer to this question calls for the exercise of one's own experiences and thoughts. Considering the sustenance of this process, a sample answer has been provided and the students answers can vary from the given answer.
Page No 181:
Question What We Have Learnt:
Question 1: There have been many changes over time, in our food. What can this mean? Use the seed story and what you know from your elders to explain.
Question 2: What would happen if all the farmers were to use only one kind of seed and grow only one kind of crop?
Disclaimer: This section aims to improve the questioning and investigative skills of the students. Keeping this is mind, the answer to the same has not been provided.