NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 The Little Bully Class 5 English Marigold

Chapter Name | The Little Bully NCERT Solutions |
Class | CBSE Class 5 |
Textbook Name | Marigold |
Related Readings |
Page No 139:
Question 1: Now that you have read and understood the lesson, can you answer these questions? You can put a (✔) on the right answer.
1) Why did all the children hate Hari?
(i) Because he would not talk to anyone.
(ii) Because he always pinched them.
(iii) Because he loved stealing their food.
2) "Nobody took Hari's hand. Nobody went near him. Nobody played with him." This shows that Hari had
(i) many friends.
(ii) few friends.
(iii) no friends.
3) Which of the following actions would make a friendly person? Write them down.
- Respecting other people.
- Eating a small child's tiffin.
- Calling people rude names.
- Pushing a smaller boy and making him cry.
- Being helpful to everyone.
- Helping your classmates in school.
- Mocking at friends and hurting their feelings.
- Protecting a weaker person.
Actions which would make a friendly person
- (ii) Because he always pinched them.
- (ii) no friends
- Respecting other people. Being helpful to everyone. Helping your classmates in school. Protecting a weaker person.
Page No 140:
Question 1: Find out words which are opposites or are closest to being the opposites of the words given below. Then write down the opposites in the grid.
Question 2: Hari was pinched till he was black and blue. 'Black and blue' means
(i) Hari fell down in pain.
(ii) there were bruises on his body.
(iii) Hari painted himself in colours.
(iv) Hari had a black and blue shirt.
(i) there were bruises on his body.
Page No 141:
Question 3: 'I shan't pinch anyone anymore'. Shan't means. (i) shall (ii) should (iii) shall not (iv) will not
(iii) shall not
Page No 141:
Question 4: Give the full forms of won't ______
weren't ______
wouldn't _____
couldn't ______
(i) will not (ii) were not (iii) would not (iv) could not
Page No 141:
Question 5: A girl was sitting quietly beside him. Hari leapt to his feet, crying loudly.
The words quietly and loudly tell us how an action is being done.
Find five more words ending in -ly which denote how something is done.
(i) ________ ly
(ii) ________ ly
(iii) ________ ly
(iv) ________ ly
(v) _________ ly
Add -ly to the following words.
Now can you make sentences with these words?
(i) ideally (ii) logically (iii) gratefully (iv) definitely (v) secondly
clearly merrily wearily doubly
drearily brightly badly fondly
1)They were clearly lost in their way.
2) We rolled along merrily.
3) He smiled wearily while talking to me.
4) We are going to work doubly hard.
5) He walked drearily between on the roads.
6) The sun was shining brightly in the morning.
7) I was badly starving in the evening.
8) My parents spoke to me fondly.
Page No 142:
Question 1: Let's practice with P and F.
pleased pricked pinched punished
fat fruit fell forgotten
palm pair proud parade
farm fare frown fish
Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on their own.
pleased pricked pinched punished
fat fruit fell forgotten
palm pair proud parade
farm fare frown fish
Page No 142:
Question 2: Complete the blanks with rhyming words of the following
and practice aloud.
bruise C_____ creatures fe _____
carriage m _____ teachers pr _____
prawn d _____ vowed C _____
bruise cruise creatures features
carriage marriage teachers preachers
prawn dawn vowed crowed
Page No 143:
Question 1:
How did the seaside creatures, the crab, the lobster etc. teach Hari a lesson? Write in a few lines.
The seaside creatures, the crab, the lobster etc. pinched Hari's hands in his great pincer like claws which made him shout loudly in pain. It is only after this incident that Hari realises that this is what he has been doing to everyone and how it hurts.
Page No 143:
Question 2: Read these sentences carefully. I ate an apple. A boy is standing under the tree. The sun rises in the east.
A and an do not point out any definite or particular person or thing whereas, the is used when we speak of some particular person or thing. A, an and they are called articles. Remember an is used before words beginning with a vowel a, e, i, o, u.
Now fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.
(i) Hari was_____ unpopular boy.
(ii) The boys and girls went to_____ seaside for a picnic.
(iii) He saw_____ big crab coming towards him.
(iv) I found _____ empty bottle, floating in the water.
(v) _____ sea creatures ate his food.
(i) an (ii) the (iii) a (iv) an (v) The
Page No 144:
Question 3: A crab has a hard shell whereas a frog does not have one. There are many animals that protect themselves from their enemies with their outer cover/shells/quills.
In the box given below are the names of some animals. Encircle the ones that can protect themselves with their hard cover.
Crocodile |
snail |
lizard |
snake |
turtle |
tortoise |
gorilla |
frog |
hedgehog |
Porcupine |
Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own observations.
They have four legs and a shell. 2) They are cold blooded. 3) They range in different sizes. 4) The female tends to be larger than the male tortoise. 5) They live up to 90 years.
Page No 145:
Question 4: Can you tell the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? Write a few lines.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
1) Turtles have a flat back whereas a tortoise does not have a flat back.
2) Turtles can live both on land and water whereas a tortoise lives entirely above water.
3) Turtles are omnivorous whereas a tortoise is mostly herbivorous.
4) Turtle's shell is lighter than the tortoise.
5) A tortoise can live up to 150 years whereas a turtle can live up to 40 years.
Page No 145:
Question 5: Describe what is happening in the picture. Use is/are and
_____ing to make your sentences. Clues are given in the box.
swing sit climb lick slid kick |
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
For example, Krishna is swinging.
(i) Mary ____up the slide.
(ii) Hari ____ and boxing her.
(iii) Little Bitoo ____ a lollipop.
(iv) Rita ____down the slide.
Imagine what the children will do in the playground tomorrow. You can take some hints from the words given in the box. e.g. John will play kabbadi tomorrow.
play football jump race badminton run |
(i) is swinging
(ii) is climbing
(iii) is licking
(iv) is sliding
(i) Hari will play football tomorrow.
(ii) Rita will run after the rabbit.
(iii) Little Bitoo will race with his friends.
(iv) Mary will play badminton with Hari.
Page No 146:
Question 1: Work in groups of four. See the picture of a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean.
Suppose you went deep-sea diving. What would you find? Think of all the words that come to your mind, then build a paragraph. Share your story with other groups.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.
Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their personal experiences and observations.
Suppose if I went deep sea diving, I would find small colourful fish, lobsters in it. I would also see precious jewels which I would carry them home. There would also be shells in which I can find pearls. There can be starfish, turtles and a ship sunk at the bottom.