Chapter 15 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles RD Sharma Solutions Exercise 15.2 Class 9 Maths

Chapter 15 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles RD Sharma Solutions Exercise 15.2 Class 9 Maths

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RD Sharma Chapter 15 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles Exercise 15.2

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RD Sharma Mathematics for Class 10

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  • Exercise 15.1
  • Exercise 15.3

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths

Exercise 15.2 Solutions

1. In fig below, ABCD is a parallelogram, AE ⊥ DC and CF ⊥ AD. If AB  = 16 cm, AE = 8 cm and CF = 10cm, find AD.


Given that, 
In a parallelogram ABCD, CD = AB = 16cm [Opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal] 
We know that, 
Area of parallelogram = base × corresponding attitude 
Area of parallelogram ABCD = CD × AE = AD × CF 
16 cm × 8 cm  = AD × 10 cm 
AD = (16 × 8)/10 cm  = 12.8 cm 
Thus, the length of AD is 12.8 cm 

2. In Q. No 1, if AD  = 6 cm, CF = 10 cm, and AE = 8cm, find AB. 


We know that, 
Area of parallelogram ABCD = AD × CF ...(1) 
Again area of parallelogram ABCD = DC × AE  ...(2) 
Compare equation (1) and equation (2)
AD × CF = DC × AE 
⇒ 6 × 10 = D × B 
⇒ D = 60/8 = 7.5 cm 
∴ AB = DC = 7.5 cm  [∴ Opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal]

3. Let ABCD be a parallelogram of area 124 cm2. If E and F are the mid - points of sides AB and CD respectively, then find the area of parallelogram AEFD. 


Area of parallelogram ABCD = 124 cm2
Construction : draw AP ⊥ DC
Area of parallelogram AFED = DF × AP
And area of parallelogram EBCF = FC × AP
And DF = FC ...(3)  [F is the midpoint of DC]
Compare equation (1), (2) and (3) 
Area of parallelogram AEFD = Area of parallelogram EBCF 
∴ Area of parallelogram AEFD = (Area of parallelogram ABCD)/2 
= 124/2 = 62 cm2 .

4. If ABCD is a parallelogram, then prove that 
ar(ΔABD) = ar(ΔBCD) = ar(ΔABC) = ar(ΔACD) = 1/2ar (|| gm ABCD)


Proof: we know that diagonals of a parallelogram divides it into two equilaterals. 
Since, AC is the diagonal . 
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