Chapter 13 Linear Equations in Two Variables RD Sharma Solutions Exercise 13.3 Class 9 Maths

Chapter 13 Linear Equations in Two Variables RD Sharma Solutions Exercise 13.3 Class 9 Maths

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RD Sharma Chapter 13 Linear Equations in Two Variables Exercise 13.3

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RD Sharma Mathematics for Class 10

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  • Exercise 13.1
  • Exercise 13.2
  • Exercise 13.4

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths

Exercise 13.3 Solutions

1. Draw the graph of each of the following linear equation in two variables. 
(i) x + y = 4 
(ii) x - y = 2 
(iii) -x + y = 6 
(iv) y = 2x 
(v) 3x + 5y = 15 
(vi) x/2 - y/3 = 3 
(vii) (x - 2)/3 = y - 3 
(viii) 2y = -x + 1 


(i) We have x + y = 4 
x = 4 - y
Putting y = 0, we get x = 4 - 0 = 4 
Putting y = 3, we get x = 4 - 3 = 1 
Thus, we get the following table giving the two points on the line represented by the equation x + y = 4 
Graph for the equation  x + y = 4 

(ii) We have,
x - y = 2 
x = 2 +y  ...(i) 
Putting y = 0, we get x = 2 + 0 = 2 
Putting y = -2, we get x = 2 - 2 = 0 
Thus, we get the following table giving the two points on the line represented by the equation x - y = 2 
Graph for the equation x - y = 2 

(iii) We have 
-x + y = 6 
⇒ x = 6 +x 
Putting y = -4, we get y = 6 - 4 = 2
Putting x = -3 we get y = 6 - 3 = 3 
Thus, we get the following table giving the two points on the line represented by the equation -x + y = 6 
Graph for the equation -x + y = 6. 

(iv) We have 
y = 2x  ...(i)
Putting x = 0, we get y = 2 × 0 = 0 
Putting x = 1 we get y = 2×1 = 2
Thus, we get the following table giving the two points on the line represented by the equation y =2x 
Graph for the equation y = 2x

(v) We have 
3x + 5y = 15 
3x = 15 - 5y 
x = (15- 5y)/3 
Putting y = 0, we get x = (15 - 5×0)/3 = 5 
Putting y = 3 we get x = 15 - 5× 3)/3 = 0 
Thus, we get the following table giving the two points on the line represented by the equation 3x + 5y - 15 
Graph for the equation 3x + 5y - 15 

(vi) We have

Putting y = -3, we get x = [12 + 2(-3)]/3 = 2 
Putting y = 0 we get x = (12 + 0)/3 = 4 
Thus, we get the following table giving the two points on the line represented by the equation x/2 - y/3 = 2 
Graph for the equation x/2 - y/3 = 3 

(vii) We have, 

Thus, we get the following table giving the two points on the line represented by the equation (x - 2)/y = y - 3
Graph for the equation (x - 2)/y = y - 3 

(viii) We have 
2y = -x + 1
⇒ x - 1 = 2y ...(1)
Putting y = 0, we get x = 1 - 2×0 = 1 
Putting y = -1, we get x = 1 - 2(-1) = 3 
Thus, we have the following table giving the two points on the line represented by the equation 
2y = x + 3
2y = -x + 1 
Graph for the equation 2y = -x + 1 

2. Given the equations of two lines passing through (3, 12). How many more such lines are there, and why ? 


The equation of two lines passing through (3, 12)  are 
4x - y = 0 
3x - y + 3 = 0 ...(i) 
There are infinitely many lines passing through (3, 12)

3. A three - wheeler scooter charges Rs 15 for first kilometer and Rs 8 each for every subsequent kilometer. For a distance of x km, an amount of Rs y is paid. Write the linear equation representing the above information. 


Total fare of Rs. y for covering distance of x kilometers is given by 
y = 15 + 8(x- 1)
⇒ y = 15 + 8x - 8 
⇒ y = 8x + 7 
This is the required linear equation for the given information.

4. A lending library has a fixed charge for the first three days and an additional charge for each day thereafter. Aarushi paid Rs 27 for a book kept for seven days. If fixed charges are Rs x and per day charges are Rs y. Write the linear equation representing the above information. 


Total charges paid by Aarushi is given by 
27 = x + 4y 
⇒ x + 4y = 27 
This is the required linear equation for the given information.

5. A number is 27 more than the number obtained by reversing its digits. If its unit's and ten's digit are x and y respectively, write the linear equation representing the above statement. 


Total original number is 10y + x 
The new number is obtained after reversing the order of digits is 10x + y
According to question 
⇒ 10y + x = 10x + y + 27 
⇒ 9y - 9x = 27 
⇒ y -x = 3 
⇒ x - y + 3 = 0 
This is the required linear equation for the given information.

6. The sum of a two digit number and the number obtained by reversing the order of its digits is 121. If units and ten's digit of the number are x and y respectively then write the linear equation representing the above statement. 


Total original number is  10y + x 
The new number is obtained after reversing the order of digits is (10x  y)
According to problem 
(10y +x) + (10x +y) = 121 
⇒ 11x + 11y = 121 
⇒ 11(x + y) = 121 
⇒ x + y = 11 
Thus is the required linear equation for the given information.

7. Plot the points (3, 5) and (-1, 3) on a graph paper and verify that the straight line passing through these points also passes through the point (1, 4). 


The points given in the graph : 

It is clear from the graph the straight lines passes through these points also pass a through (1, 4).

8. From the choices given below, choose the equation whose graph is given in Fig. below. 
(i) y = x 
(ii) x + y = 0 
(iii) y = 2x 
(iv) 2 + 3y = 7x 

[Hint : Clearly, (-1, 1) and (1, - 1) satisfy the equation x + y = 0 ]


Clearly (-1, 1) and (1, -1) satisfy the equation x + y = 0 
∴ The equation whose graph is given by x + y = 0

9. From the choices given below, choose the equation whose graph is given in fig. below. 
(i) y = x + 2 
(ii) y = x - 2 
(iii) y = -x + 2 
(iv) x + 2y = 6

[Hint : Clearly, (2, 0) and (-1, 3) satisfy the equation y = -x +2 ]


Clearly (2, 0) and (-1, 3) satisfy the equation y = -x + 2
∴ The equation whose graph is given by y = -x + 2

10. If the point (2, -2) lies on the graph of the linear equation 5x + ky = 4 , find the value of k. 


It is given that (2, -2) is a solution of the equation 5x + ky = 4 
∴ 5 × 2 + k ×(-2) = 4 
⇒ 10 - 2k = 4 
⇒ -2k = 4 - 10
⇒ -2k  -6 
⇒ k = 3

11. Draw the graph of the equation 2x + 3y = 12. From the graph, find the coordinates of the point:

(i) whose y-coordinates is 3.

(ii) whose x - coordinate is -3.


Graph of the equation 2x + 3y = 12. 
We have, 
2x + 3y = 12 
⇒ 2x = 12 - 3y
⇒ x = (12 - 3y)/2 
Putting y = 2, we get x = (12 -3×2)/2 = 3 
Putting y = -4, we get x = (12 - 3×4)/2 = 0 
Thus, (3, 0) and (0, 4) are two points on the line 2x + 3y = 12
The graph of line represents by the equation 2x + 3y = 12 







Graph of the equation 2x + 3y = 12 
(i) To find coordinates of the points when y = 3, we draw a line parallel to x - axis and passing through (0, 3) this lines meets the graph of 2x + 3y = 12 at a point p from which we draw a line parallel to y - axis which process x - axis at x = 3/2, so the coordinates of the required points are (3/2, 3).

(ii) To find the coordinates of the points when x = -3 we draw a line parallel to y - axis and passing through (-3, 0). This lines meets the graph of 2x + 3y = 12 at a point P from which we draw a line parallel to x - axis crosses y -axis at y = 6, so, the coordinates of the required point are (-3, 6). 

12. Draw the graph of each of the equations given below. Also, find the coordinates of the points where the graph cuts the coordinate axes: 
(i) 6x - 3y = 12 
(ii) -x + 4y = 8 
(iii) 2x + y = 6 
(iv) 3x + 2y + 6 = 0
(i) We have 
6x - 3y = 12 
⇒ 3(2x - y) = 12 
⇒ 2x - y = 4 
⇒ 2x - 4 = y 
⇒ y = 2x - 4 ...(i) 
Putting x = 0 in (i), we get y = -4
Putting x = 2 in (i), we get y = 0 
Thus, we obtain the following table giving coordinates of two points on the line represented by the equation 6x - 3y = 12.
The graph of the line 6x - 3y = 12 

(ii) We have 
-x + 4y = 8 
⇒ 4y - 8 = x
⇒x = 4y = 8 
Putting y = 1 in (i), we get x = 4 × 1 - 8 = -4
Putting y = 2 in (i), we get x = 4 ×2 - 8 = 0 
Thus, we obtain the following table giving coordinates of two points on the line represented by the equation -x + 4y = -8
Graph of the equation -x + 4y = 8

(iii) We have 
2x + y = 6
⇒ y = 6- 2x  ...(i) 
Putting x = 3 in (i), we get y = 6 = 2 × 3 = 0
Putting x = 4 in (i), we get y = 6 - 2× 4 = -2
Thus, we obtain the following table giving coordinate of two points on the line represented by the equation 2x + y = 6 
Graph of the equation 2x + y = 6 

(iv) We have 
3x + 2y + 6 = 0 
⇒ 2y = -6 - 3x 
⇒ y = (-6 - 3x)/2 
Putting x = -2 in (i), we get x = [6 - 3(-2)]/2 = 0 
Putting x = -4 in (i), we get y = [6 - 3(-4)]/2 = 3 
Thus, we obtain the following table giving coordinates of two points on the line represented by the equation 3x + 2y + 6 = 0 
Graph of the equation 3x - 2y + 6 = 0 

13. Draw the graph of the equation 2x + y = 6. Shade the region bounded by the graph and the coordinate axes. Also, find the area of the shaded region. 
We have 
2x + y = 6 
y = 6 - 2x ...(i) 
Putting x = 3 in (i), we get y = 6 - 2 × 3 = 0 
Putting x = 0 in (i), we get y = 6 - 2 × 0 = 6 
Thus, we obtained the following table giving coordinates of two points on the line represented by the equation 2x + y = 6 







The graph of line 2x + y  = 6 

14. Draw the graph of the equation x/3 + y/4 = 1. Also, find the area of the triangle formed by the line and the co - ordinates axes.
We have 
x/3 + y/4 = 1 
⇒ 4x + 3y = 12 
⇒ 4x  = 12 -3y
⇒ x = (12 - 3y)/4 
Putting y = 0 in (i), we get x = (12 - 3×0)/4  = 3 
Putting y = -4  in (ii), we get x = (12 - 3 × 4)/4 = 0 
Thus, we obtained the following table giving coordinate of two points on the line represents by the equation x/3 + y/4 = 1. 






The graph of line x/3 + y/4 = 1. 

15. Draw the graph of y = |x|. 
We have 
y = |x|  ...(i) 
Putting x = 0, we get y = 0 
Putting x = 2, we get  y = 2 
Putting x = 2, we get y = -12
Thus, we have the following table for the two points on graph of |x|









Graph of line equation y = | x |

16. Draw the graph of y = |x| + 2
We have 
y = | x | + 2 ...(i) 
Putting x = 0, we get y = 2 ...(ii)
Putting x = 1, we get y = 3 
Putting x = -1, we get y = 3 
Thus, the we have the following table for the points on graph of | x | + 2









Graph of line equation y = | x | + 2 

17. Draw the graphs of the following linear equations on the same graph paper : 2x + 3y = 12, x - y = 1. 
Find the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle formed by the two straight lines and the y - axis. Also, find the area of the triangle. 
Graph of the equation 2x + 3y - 12 = 0
We have 
2x + 3y = 12 
⇒ 2x = 12 - 3y
⇒ x = (12 - 3y)/2 
Putting y = 4, we get x = (12 - 3× 4)/2 = 0 
Putting y = 2, we get x = (12 - 3×2)/2 = 3 
Thus, we have the following table for the P table for the points on the line 2x + 3y = 12 






Plotting points A (0, 4), B(3, 2) on the graph paper and drawing a line passing through them 
we obtain graph of the equation. 
Graph of the equation
Graph of the equation x - y -1 : 
We have x - y = 1 ⇒ x = 1 + y
Thus, we have the following table for the points the line x - y = 1






Plotting points C(1, 0) and D(0, -1) on the same graph paper drawing a line passing through the m, we obtain the graph of the line represents by the equation x - y = 1.  
Clearly two lines intersect at A (3, 2).
The graph of time 2x + 3y = 12 intersect with y - axis at B(0, 4) and the graph of the line x - y = 1 intersect with y - axis at C(0, -1). 
So, the vertices of the triangle formed by thee two straight lines and y - axis are A(3, 2) and B(0, 4) and C(0, -1)

18. Draw the graphs of the linear equations 4x - 3y + 4 = 0 and 4x + 3y - 20 = 0. Find the area bounded by these lines and x - axis.
We have 
4x - 3y + 4 = 0 
⇒ 4x - 3y = 4
⇒ x = (3y - 4)/4 
Putting y = 0, we get x = (3 × 0 - 4)/4 = - 1 
Putting y = 4, we get x = (3 × 4 - 4)/ 4 = 2 
Thus, we have the following table for the p table for the points on the line 4x - 3y + 4 = 0 






We have 
4x + 3y - 20 = 0 
⇒ 4x = 20 - 3y
⇒ x = (20 - 3y)/4 
Putting y = 0, we get x = (20 - 3 ×0)/4 = 5 
Putting y =  4, we get x = (20 - 3 × 4)/4 = 2. 
Thus, we have the following table for the p table for the points on the line 4x - 3y - 20 = 0 






Clearly, two lines intersect at A(2, 4)
The graph of the lines 4x - 3y + 4 = 0 and 4x + 3y - 20 = 0 intersect with y - axis at a + b(-1, 0) and c(5, 0) respectively 

19. The path of a train A is given by the equation 3x + 4y - 12 = 0 and the path of another train B is given by the equation 6x + 8y - 48 = 0 . Represent this situation graphically.
We have, 
3x + 4y - 12 = 0 
⇒ 3x = 12 - 4y 
⇒ 3x = (12 - 4y)/3 

20. Ravish tells his daughter Aarushi, "Seven years ago, I was seven times as old as you were then. Also, three years from now, I shall be three times as old as you will be". If present ages of Aarushi and Ravish are x and y years respectively, represent this situation algebraically as well as graphically. 
It is given that seven year ago Harish was seven times a sold as his daughter  
∴ 7(x - y) = y - 7 
⇒ 7x - 49 = y - 7 
⇒ 7x - 42 = y ...(i)
It is also given that after three years from now Ravish shall be three times a sold as her daughter 
∴ 3(x + 3) = y + 3
⇒ 3x + 9 = y + 3
⇒ 3x + 6 = y  ...(ii)
Now, y = 7x - 42  [using (i)]
Putting x = 6, we get y = 7 × 6 - 42 = 0 
Putting x = 5, we get y = 7× 5 - 42 = -7
Thus, we have following table for the points on the 
Line 7x - 42 = y: 

21. Aarushi was driving a car with uniform speed of 60 km/h. Draw distance  - time graph. From the graph, find the distance travelled by Aarushi in 
(i) 2(1/2) Hours 
(ii) 1/2 Hour
Let x be the time and y be the distance travelled by Aarushi 
It is given that speed of car is 60 km/h
We know that speed= distance/speed 
⇒ 60 = y/x 
⇒ y = 60x 
Putting x = 1, we get y = 60 
Putting x = 2, we get y = 120 
Thus, we have the following table for the points on the line  y = 60x 
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