Synopsis of Act 3 Scene 1 of The Tempest by William Shakespeare

Overview of The Tempest Act 3 Scene 1

Summary from The Tempest Act 3 Scene 1

The scene opens with Ferdinand ruminating upon the task thrust upon him. He is in a philosophical mood. He says there are some jobs that are tedious, but the joy of doing them makes up for the toil. In fact, some humble jobs are worthwhile to do. Here, he has to pile up logs, but the thought of Miranda alleviates the pain. At this time Miranda enters and requests him to take rest. Meanwhile, she will do his work; but being a gentleman, Ferdinand refuses to do so. At this time, Prospero is overhearing this conversation. Ferdinand says that he has met many ladies with various qualities but never one like Miranda, with all the qualities present in one person. Miranda responds saying that she has never met a person of the opposite gender, except for her father, but she is very sure she would like to have Ferdinand as her husband. Prospero silently wishes them luck and happiness. He feels their love and the element of surprise and thrill along their journey will make the union sweeter.

Critical Analysis of The Tempest Act 3 Scene 1

This scene marks further development in one of the subplots of the play. It has the elements of love, as the two youngsters feel attracted to each other and are highly concerned about each other's happiness. They declare their sincere love for each other. Ferdinand considers Miranda as a paragon of virtues. Miranda says that she will die a maiden if she cannot marry him. The plan of Prospero is progressing in the right direction. The scene is like a fresh flow of breeze, in a play fraught with treachery and misery.


baseness - meanness:
odious - extremely unpleasant:
sinew - muscle:
foil - prevent;
modesty - virtue;
precepts - a general law;
profess - claim;
boded - augur;
trifling - unimportant;
bashful - shy..
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