Synopsis of Act 3 Scene 4 of The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

The Merchant of Venice Act 3 (Scene 4) Plot Summary with Word Meanings

The scene is taking place in Belmont. Bassanio and Gratiano have left for Venice. We see Portia in a new light. She makes a clever plan to save Antonio. She sends a letter to her cousin and a famous lawyer. Dr Bellario. She tells her servant Balthazar to get a reply from the doctor and a lawyer's robe. Portia and Nerissa leave for Venice under the pretext of spending time in a monastery. She plans to disguise as Bellario the lawyer and Nerissa will be dressed as a clerk. She bets that when they are dressed as men, she'll be the prettier of the two.

Portia describes how bravely she'll wear her dagger and brag of manly conquests so that she'll be taken for a boy barely one year out of school. This whole plan will be disclosed to Nerissa during their ride in the coach bound for Venetian ferry.

The disguise theme, in which women disguised as men, add the comic element to the play. The theme of friendship gets a 'godlike amity'.

Word - Meanings 

habit - dress,
accomplished - equipped with,
wager - bet,
braver grace - greater air of boldness,
mincing steps – lady like quick steps,
fray - fights,
bragging - boastful,
quaint - imaginative,
puny - small,
raw - boyish,
bragging jacks - boastful fellows,
device - plan,
stays-- waits,
haste away - hurry up,
measure - travel.

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